The Predator Ridge Community Forum held on May 13th was a big hit with residents, with well over 175 people attending the Forum.
PRCEMC Coordinator, Jim Popowich, moderated the event with opening remarks from Jason Kelder of Wesbild Holdings.
Presentations were made to attendees beginning with an overview from Colleen Scott discussing the PRCEMC’s History, Current Activities and Future Plans. As well, PRCEMC organizations gave the following reports:
- FireSmart Update: Kathy Pedersen
- Block Watch Update: Luiz Araujo
- CPR/AED Training Update: Jim Popowich

The City of Vernon provided an excellent overview of the City’s Emergency Management Program with presentations by Chief David Lind – Vernon Fire Department and Sue Saunders – Emergency Program Coordinator.
As well, Trevor Honigman of Vernon Search and Rescue provided a very interesting discussion on the role they play in the event of an emergency.

One really important item Sue Saunders discussed was the Vernon Connect App that anyone can download and Install on their smartphone. Just go to the App Store for your device and search for – Vernon Connect. The App is a free download and once installed on your phone you are able to customize the app settings to receive notifications from the City of Vernon. Of particular importance is the ability to receive Emergency Alerts from the City directly to your smartphone device. This is an excellent App to get.
……. Jane Toppozini from the Commonage Road Improvement Committee presented an excellent update on their efforts to improve the overall safety and maintenance of Commonage and Bailey Roads. Learn more by reading Jane’s CRIC presentation here.
Jane also gave an update on the newly formed: “The Ridge Riders Cycling Club” Their mandate is to promote and encourage all levels of cycling – from experience to novice. They support the development of a multi use trail between Predator Ridge and Kekuli Bay / Rail Trail and to link Predator to Vernon & Coldstream trails etc.
Gord Wilson announced the new PRCEMC website is now launched and he provided brief overview of the website and its functionality. He also noted the website is mobile responsive and works great on any mobile device such as smartphones and tablets.
The website can be accessed at www.prcemc.ca or through the Predator Ridge Homeowner Intranet site by clicking the logo –
The Forum wrapped up with a robust Question and Answer period followed by a number of draws for door prizes such as First Aid Kits and Fire Extinguishers. A big thanks to Jim Popowich for getting all those prizes organized.