A Community Awareness Message from your PRCEMC

Dear Neighbour,
Although Mother Nature has taken her time bringing spring, the forecast indicates that warm weather is right around the corner.

These have been very unsettling times, but please recognize that what our health officials have been asking us to do is helping to slow down the spread of COVID-19. Officials are also reminding us that COVID-19 has not yet peaked in our British Columbia or Canada. However if we stay the course, keep our distance, and stay close to home, there is hope that we will flatten the curve sooner rather than later. PHYSICAL DISTANCING is incredibly important; we need to be vigilant about our personal safety (and that of others) and do our part to slow down the spread of this virus.

Predator Ridge has made the cart paths available for getting some fresh air, as long as we follow the guidelines from health officials (e.g., staying home for 14 days after out-of-country travel, maintaining 6 feet of physical distance and not gathering in groups). We also note that guidelines continue to evolve, so it’s important for us to pay attention to those changes, such as recent health recommendations for increased use of masks.

For those who are in quarantine, we understand how difficult this time is, especially with the warm weather coming. If you need help, please reach out to your friends and neighbours. For those of you who have completed your quarantine, we thank you for your vigilance.

Our Mental Wellbeing
These times are difficult for everyone and some of us will struggle more than others with the uncertainty and isolation. The anxiety over stress, mental distress and depression, have no borders, and can hit any one. Predator Ridge has taken amazing measures to help support this by offering free access for 90 days to Akira By TELUS Health. Akira has many benefits including unlimited, unrestricted 24/7 mental health support. Tomorrow (April 8th) is the last day to register for this 90-day free service so register right away if this is of interest to you. 

Vernon Connect
Earlier this year, the City of Vernon launched an app to allow residents to stay connected with the City of Vernon’s Emergency Alerts and Messaging. The “VernonConnect” app allows you to select important messaging from the City of Vernon direct to your phone. You can download this app for free via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Trails & Cart (Walking) Paths
Due to snow and muddy conditions, Predator Ridge has closed the dirt trails until further notice. This is to prevent ruts on the trails, so residents are asked to stick to the paved cart paths.  Please respect and follow all signage that is and will be placed at trailheads.

Golf Course
We understand that we all want to get out on the golf course and we are all eagerly awaiting a message from Predator Ridge that will give us an opening date. Unfortunately an exact date is not possible at this time, but what we can assure you Predator Ridge is as anxious as you are to open, but will not do so until it is SAFE to do so.

FireSmart Your Yards
While we are all self-distancing it may be a good time to get outside and look around your home to see what you can do now to FireSmart your own property. Click on the below link for FireSmart spring clean up 2020 tips and how to contact the FireSmart committee with any questions. The committee is here to help and is always happy to answer any questions you may have. 

Support for Predator Ridge Staff
Predator Ridge has 98 of its staff still employed, with many of these employees taking on alternate jobs from what they normally do (e.g. cleaning streets, golf course and landscaping maintenance, etc.). Also included in those numbers are the staff working at Commonage Market and Pallino’s and they need our help! Numbers at Pallino’s and Commonage Market have dropped off in the past weeks, making it difficult to justify opening. If everyone one of us here in the community ate one meal a week from Pallino’s or the Market it will definitely help keep the doors open and the staff employed.

Music On Our Patios
Some fun stats regarding last Saturday’s inaugural Music on Your Patio event:
• The event registered 3,200 views
• 366 people engaged in the content (this includes likes, shares, & comments),
• 32 people shared it including the BC Country Music Association!
The next Music on Your Patio event will be happening this Saturday at 7:30pm with Gorden James. Full details at: PredatorRidge.com/Community-Resources/Music

Looking Ahead
We all look forward to when we can gather with our neighbours again, get out on the golf course, and participate in all of the other great in-person classes and events we have in our community. Remember, we’re all in this together, and until that day arrives, we will continue to follow health guidelines, participate and support each other virtually or at a distance.

Keep The Faith • Be Strong • Physically Distance • Keep Us All Safe


Your Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee (PRCEMC)

Jim Popowich; Colleen Scott; Kathy Pedersen; Gord Wilson;
Luiz Araujo; Jane Toppozini


Community Safety at Predator Ridge