Dear Neighbours;
To say that 2021 was a challenging year would be an understatement. During the continuing COVID pandemic, we managed through a significant heat dome in early summer that set the stage for one of the worst wildfire seasons ever throughout the province. If that wasn’t enough, this fall has recorded some of the heaviest rainfall coastal areas have ever seen, resulting in serious flooding and damage to structures, the transportation infrastructure and supply chains.
While one might ask, “what could be next?”, a better question is, “how can I be better prepared?”
Severe weather like snow storms, thunderstorms, hail, freezing rain, blizzards, high winds or heavy rain can happen with little warning, and in any season and these severe weather patterns can often cause a loss of power. When preparing for potential severe weather, it is a good rule of thumb to be prepared for at least 48 – 72 hours of isolation.
It is important to have an emergency plan and have done some preparation, in the event that we are isolated for an extended time. BC Emergency Management has some excellent advice and information on Preparing for Severe Weather and power outages:
A power outage can involve a short- or long-term loss of electricity to an area, and we may find ourselves without light, heat and hot water. In the event of a power outage in our area, it is always a good idea to confirm that BC Hydro is aware of it. The faster they are advised, the sooner they can dispatch repair crews. To confirm power outages are reported in our area, go to BC Hydro’s outage list/map.
If our area does not appear on the BC Hydro map or list of outages call BC Hydro and log the outage as soon as possible: 1-800-224-9376.
Winter is upon us and the shorter darker days are here once again. The cold weather, ice, and snow can also increase the chances of slips and falls. If you are out walking on the roadways with family, friends and pets, please keep in mind that you are not always visible to oncoming traffic especially at dawn, dusk and at night. Wearing some form of reflective clothing or headlamps is one way to stay VISIBLE. With the fluctuating temperatures, the road and pathways can be very icy and slippery. Wearing cleats and using poles is an excellent way to prevent any unexpected and possibly dangerous falls.
CBC Marketplace did a study this year to find out which winter boots were actually better for winter walking or hiking. The article “5 out of 6 winter boots fail slip test on ice” can be found here:
2021 has been a quiet year for Block Watch activities here at Predator Ridge, which means another successful and crime-free period in our community. The pandemic has limited our Block Watch yearly meetings with Captains, Co-Captains and especially our newer residents. If you have recently moved to Predator Ridge and have not been contacted by your neighbourhood Block Watch Captain/Co-Captain, please contact the Predator Ridge Block Watch Committee at blockwatch_predator_ridge@prcemc.ca or visit us at our website at https://prcemc.ca/block-watch/. Please continue to look after each other. Turn on your outside lights at dusk and help keep our neighbourhoods safe.
With the proximity of the White Rock Lake Fire this summer, many Predator Ridge residents tackled their own personal FireSmart cleanups around their homes.
This fall two significant FireSmart Events were held in our community. On Saturday, October 23rd, a sanctioned clean-up was held in the Commonage neighbourhood with over 35 volunteers from all over Predator Ridge attending. It was a great day and we filled two 25-yard waste disposal bins right to the top. And on October 24th, Osprey Green Townhomes residents rolled up their sleeves and cleaned up a section of their common land that bordered #7 fairway of the Predator golf course.
To view further details and pictures of the 2021 FireSmart neighbourhood clean-ups here at Predator Ridge, visit the website at: FireSmart (https://prcemc.ca/firesmart/)
The Emergency Alert Siren Survey results were very positive. 675 residents were surveyed and 540 responded. 78% of those who took the survey were in favour of the siren and 69% were in favour of paying $100.00 to support of the acquisition and installation of an emergency alert siren. The decision was made to move forward and present the proposal to the City of Vernon. PRCEMC members met with City of Vernon Officials on November 4th to present the project proposal. The City Fire Chief reviewed the material favourably and asked for a few weeks to further discuss the proposal and how they might incorporate the emergency alert siren within their existing emergency management system.
If the City agrees to incorporate the emergency alert siren into its existing emergency management plan, and will take on primary authority over the horn, then PRCEMC will move forward with further community engagement. The City will meet and discuss their decision mid-December.
For further details and survey results visit the PRCEMC website. https://prcemc.ca/alert-siren/
There has been a fair amount of discussion over the past few months regarding the increase in traffic volume and speed on some of our community roadways. PRCEMC members did meet with City of Vernon official to review Birdie Lake Drive and Falcon Point Way, resulting in the replacement and upgrading of a proper stop sign and installation of a warning sign ahead. We also engaged with Wesbild regarding the increase in traffic flow and the challenges the community is experiencing due to the increase in traffic. Predator recognize that there are some challenges with the current traffic flow and volume, and have agreed to take time over the winter to determine the right plan of action for moving forward.
As the Commonage Road Improvement Committee has completed their objectives and the committee will be winding down, we would like to thank the committee for their contribution to building a safer community. All of their efforts to have improvements made to Commonage Road have been greatly appreciated by all. Thank you to Jane Toppozini, Gord Ball and Morgan Grant.
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Karen Grimsrud to the PRCEMC. Karen has recently moved to our community and brings with her a wealth of expereince in emergency management planning, she will be a great resource to the community and a welcomed addtion to our committee.
The PRCEMC is hosting a community safety contest! Winners will receive either a set of Head Lamps or a Reflective Vest. To enter simply answer a few questions regarding Community Safety and your name will be entered into a draw to win a Head Lamp or Reflective Vest. Contest will close midnight on December 18th, 2021. (Please only one entry per person).
Click here to enter the Contest: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_rG0IWB0m2zYOeXDZZF9mpJYgdGXADBycRwoHrlIhzg/edit
We wish you all a safe, and very Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year 2022.
Your Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee (PRCEMC)
Jim Popowich
Colleen Scott
Jane Toppozini
Gordon Wilson
Luiz Araujo
Karen Grimsrud