COVID-19 Community Awareness

Greetings to our Predator Ridge community, and welcome home to all of our residents who have been away. It is unfortunate that you are returning home under these difficult circumstances, but we want to assure you that our community here at Predator has rallied together to maximize emergency preparedness as best we can. 

Let’s continue to work together to build on our Predator Ridge spirit where everyone cares for one another and looks out for their neighbours in the time of need – it is truly with your commitment and compassion to our community that will make us even stronger during this unprecedented time that changes daily and even hourly. We need to protect each other by following the rules and guidelines that the provincial and federal health agencies, as well as the World Health Organization have laid out for us. 

We recognize the desire to gather and socialize with others in the way we have been accustomed to in the past; however, the new reality is that COVID-19 is on our doorstep. It cannot be stressed enough how extremely important it is to self isolate and practice social and physical distance, since we have no idea:

  1. Who may or may not be carrying the virus;
  2. Where people have been;
  3. What they have touched; or
  4. With whom they have been in contact.

There are actions we can all take to safely shorten the distance between our families, neighbours and friends without compromise. Face Time, Skype, Zoom, Messaging, Emailing, good old fashioned phone calls, or even a wave and a smile between balconies.

As a reminder to residents who have been travelling outside Canada, the Canadian Government has directed that all returning travellers undergo a mandatory 14-day self-isolation,  

Even after your period of self-isolation is over, continued social distancing is important,

Should you require food or medical supplies, please order on line through the many options that are available, or ask for assistance from a neighbour or other community member. Predator Ridge (Wesbild) has also set up many local options to assist us: ( 

Let’s protect ourselves, our neighbours, and our community.

Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee

Wishing all of our Predator Ridge friends and neighbours to stay healthy & safe. From the PRCEMC Team…. Jim Popowich, Randall Scott, Colleen Scott,
Luiz Araujo, Kathy Pedersen, Gord Wilson & Jane Toppozini.