Community Mailbox Security

Hello Everyone,

Recently in an article in the Morning Star and online on the Next Door app there has been conversation on mail theft as a result of break ins into mail boxes. 

Doug Lang a resident of Predator did some follow up work on this subject and posted the following on the Next Door app:

The police and Canada Post report that are no instances of mailbox thefts at Predator Ridge. However there have been some thefts from boxes in Vernon and the rural areas (RDNO). Canada Post has a budget/plan in place to replace outdated mailboxes with new and improved secure boxes. This plan will roll out initially to those communities that have experience theft of mail. Predator does not fall (lucky us) into this category and will have replacements well into the future I am told. Canada Post does recommend removal of mail as a specific deterrent to theft – if there is nothing to steal the thief will look elsewhere.

I have also checked with the respective agencies and support what he said. Accordingly we felt it would useful to send this information to all Block Watch co-captains and leave it to them to share with their area residents. As noted, there has been no mail theft at Predator but the note explains the approach Canada Post is taking in cases where a theft has occurred.

In any event, just like locking our vehicles, timely mail pick up (daily) of your mail will discourage theft. If however you observe or experience any theft please inform the RCMP and Canada Post. Incident records are important.

We hope all are well and safe.

Jim Popowich on behalf of Block Watch