Commonage Road Improvement Committee Update December 2020

The Commonage Road Improvement Committee (CRIC) would like to share a short update with you regarding improvements to Commonage and Bailey Roads.
  • We have previously requested the painting of a second white line on the road between Predator Ridge and the junction of Commonage and Bailey Roads. The contractor was scheduled to paint the additional white line but there was a miscommunication and the contractor repainted the same side that had been done last year. MoTI is looking into the possibility of having the contractor come back in the fall to paint the second line.
  • Repainting of centerline and sidelines on both sides of the road way from City of Vernon to the junction of Commonage and Bailey Roads was completed in July.
  • We had requested the trimming back of the roadside brush and large weeds along the sides of the road from Predator Ridge to the City of Vernon limits. This was completed in August.
  • Delineators were installed on one of the corners last fall, we have requested a few additional corners between Predator and the junction be consider this year.
  • We have also requested rumble strips be investigated as an option to deter drivers from crossing over the center lines on specific corners between Predator Ridge and Compost Plant.
  • In July we contacted BC Hydro regarding the Commonage Road Pole Replacement Project and the numerous power outages experienced over the past few months. CRIC requested BC Hydro try and provide a project update with project time lines.
  • A Project Update note was mailed out by BC Hydro, if you did not receive a copy please see the attached notice.
  • In January and February 2020 we meet with various City of Vernon Councilors to discuss Commonage and Bailey Road improvements and the 1100+ signature of support we collected from Predator Ridge Homeowner’s
  • In February we met with our Area B representative Bob Fleming from RDNO to discuss support and advice on applying to MoTI for funds under their Active Transportation Program.

Questions or concerns? Please visit: or email us at

We would also like to remind you, that at any time if you think the road is not being properly maintained please call Acciona Infrastructure Maintenance (ACCIONA) at: 1-866-222-4204

Thank you,
The Commonage Road Improvement Committee (CRIC)

Jane Toppozini, Gord Ball, Morgan Grant, Sandy Thompson

Be sure to check out the latest news on Commonage Road Developments. Click here to read all the very latest news and reports concerning our road network from the Commonage Road Improvement Committee. Updated December 2020.