Important Community Message

Predator Ridge Community Emergency Alert Siren

Dear Homeowners,

This wildfire season has been an exhausting one on many fronts. We are fortunate however, that we are seeing some reprieve from the weather and a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel with regards to the smoke and wildfires this year. Please keep in mind though, fire season runs from April 1st to October 31st.

In an ongoing attempt to keep all our residents safe, we have been reviewing additional avenues to enhance our community’s safety. Our committee has done some extensive research regarding the use of emergency alert systems and their effectiveness in remote and semi remote communities.

We have been working with both Predator Ridge and Sparkling Hill, and we have all agreed that although the current technology of using cell phone and email alerts is effective, it may not be the total solution for our community should the City of Vernon ever need to get an emergency alert out to all the guests, visitors and Predator Ridge residents, especially in the middle of the night.

We have looked at other communities that have successfully utilized cell phone and email technology in tandem with an emergency alert system to notify their community of imminent danger. Using all these systems together provides far better coverage and peace of mind to residents.

Accordingly, we are proposing the acquisition and installation of a High Power Directional Siren to be centrally located within the Predator Ridge Resort. Accordingly, we have completed a cost analysis for the acquisition and installation of an Emergency Alert Siren and related equipment. The cost of the acquisition and installation would be in the neighbourhood of $100,000.00.

With approximately 800 households in the community, if each household contributed a minimum amount of $100.00, we could reach our target goal of $75,000. Once we raise this initial amount, Predator Ridge (Wesbild) and Sparkling Hill Resort will contribute the remaining amount up to $25,000.00. This cost sharing ratio was calculated based on the table below.

Contribution Breakdown by Community Groups

Figure 1

A meeting has been scheduled with City of Vernon officials and the City of Vernon Fire Chief, to discuss and firm up roles and responsibilities in the management of a Predator Ridge Community Emergency Alert Siren.

In order to proceed with this project, we would like to survey the community and ask for your support to raise the funds for the purchase and installation of an Emergency Alert Siren. Please take the time to review the material located within the attached links:

1. Link to Emergency Alert System Information Package

2. Link to High Power Directional Siren Specs

If you are willing to support this important community project, Please click the SURVEY link text in the Community Message that was sent out to all residents on September 23rd, through the Community Messaging email. Please complete ONLY ONE survey per household. The survey will run for 14 days (Sept 23 – Oct 6th)

We would like to have the Emergency Alert Siren installed in the spring of 2022, so it is up and functional for the start of the next fire season. If you have any questions please email us at:

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support on this very important initiative.

Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee,

Jim Popowich,
Jane Toppozini
Gord Wilson
Colleen Scott
Luiz Araujo



Community Safety
is our number one priority

Dear Neighbour,

Looking in the rear-view mirror, 2020 will be a year forever rooted in all our memories. It was a year that fundamentally challenged how we think about our health, our safety and our future.

We have endured an unbelievable year of challenges, but we have also witnessed a time of positive opportunities and change. The pandemic has shown us that working together, we can achieve great things. Our community, our country and the world have all come together to find ways to fight back against COVID-19.

We are especially proud of how our own community has come together to help support and protect one another. Here at Predator Ridge, we are fortunate to have an amazing group of volunteers that participate in the FireSmart and Block Watch programs and the Commonage Road Improvement Committee (CRIC) that continues to pursue major improvements to Commonage Road. This year, in the spirit of the holidays, we also saw both the community and Predator Ridge come together to participate in one of the best displays of Christmas lights ever.

We are also grateful to Predator Ridge, for their swift action in adapting new policies, procedures and thorough communications over this past year. They went above and beyond, creating new activities to help keep us safe, healthy and connected. From online music nights, virtual wine tastings, fitness classes and cooking classes, ploughed trails, a skating rink, golf simulators and the amazing holiday fireworks, we can’t say thank you enough!



With the winter season now upon us, many of us turn our thoughts to the beauty and fun of skating on natural ice on local ponds and lakes. Many factors can affect ice thickness including: type of water, location and the time of year. Why not take a moment to refresh your knowledge of ice safety by visiting this Red Cross website for some excellent information before you venture out on the ice.

This year with so many of us out walking on the roadways with family, friends and our pets it is important to be safe and visible. Please keep in mind that we are not always visible to oncoming traffic especially at dawn, dusk and at night. Wearing some form of reflective clothing or headlamps is one way to stay VISABLE. With the fluctuating temperatures, the road and pathways can be very icy and slippery. Wearing cleats is an excellent way to prevent an unexpected and possibly dangerous fall.

This year there have been several coyote sightings in and around our neighbourhoods. We remind our residents that we live in nature’s back yard. Contact with wildlife can occur and we need to be aware of how to respond. For more information on keeping wildlife wild and communities safe, visit the Wild Safe BC site of the BC Conservation Foundation.

Emergency Preparedness Throughout the Winter

During the next few months, it is important for us to think about being prepared for emergencies such as snow and or ice storms that could result in either road closures or power outages. We need to be prepared to be isolated for a period of 48 to 72 hours. Click the following link to preparedness at the Prepared BC website.

Block Watch

Our neighbourhoods have been made safer with the help of community Volunteer Block Watch Captains. We are one of the most organized Block Watch areas in the interior and have received many accolades for it. Visit our Community Safety website to discover more about what Block Watch is doing in our community: Block Watch.

Commonage Road Improvement Committee – CRIC

We will continue to monitor the winter road maintenance and the challenges we have experienced with ACCIONA Infrastructure and Maintenance (AIM). In late December we received a response to the Letter of Concern CRIC sent to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructures Deputy Minister. + View the letter from MoTI Deputy Minister.


Citizen involvement is the cornerstone of the FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program and here at Predator Ridge, we have no lack of involvement from our residents. Our community has been on the forefront of earning recognition as a FireSmart Neighbourhood and 2020 has been no exception. On October 17th, neighbours turned out in full force to clean-up a portion of the Birdie Lake Trail. In addition, throughout the entire year, many residents worked towards making our community that much more FireSmart by cleaning up their own private properties. To learn more about the FireSmart program here at Predator Ridge, visit the website at FireSmart.

In Closing

We continue to work with the City of Vernon and provincial authorities to provide information that is essential to our community well being. To view this information please visit Community Safety at Predator Ridge.
We trust that in spite of the many challenges in 2020, we have much to be grateful for in our community. We wish our entire community the absolute best in 2021.

Your Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee (PRCEMC)

Jim Popowich
Colleen Scott
Jane Toppozini
Gord Wilson
Kathy Pedersen
Luiz Araujo

Ice Safety

Know the dangers of ice

With the winter season now upon us, many of us turn our thoughts to the beauty and fun of skating on natural ice on local ponds and lakes. Many factors can affect ice thickness including: type of water, location and the time of year. Why not take a moment to refresh your knowledge of Ice Safety by visiting this Red Cross Website for some excellent information before you venture out on the ice.

Commonage Road Improvement Committee Update December 2020

The Commonage Road Improvement Committee (CRIC) would like to share a short update with you regarding improvements to Commonage and Bailey Roads.
  • We have previously requested the painting of a second white line on the road between Predator Ridge and the junction of Commonage and Bailey Roads. The contractor was scheduled to paint the additional white line but there was a miscommunication and the contractor repainted the same side that had been done last year. MoTI is looking into the possibility of having the contractor come back in the fall to paint the second line.
  • Repainting of centerline and sidelines on both sides of the road way from City of Vernon to the junction of Commonage and Bailey Roads was completed in July.
  • We had requested the trimming back of the roadside brush and large weeds along the sides of the road from Predator Ridge to the City of Vernon limits. This was completed in August.
  • Delineators were installed on one of the corners last fall, we have requested a few additional corners between Predator and the junction be consider this year.
  • We have also requested rumble strips be investigated as an option to deter drivers from crossing over the center lines on specific corners between Predator Ridge and Compost Plant.
  • In July we contacted BC Hydro regarding the Commonage Road Pole Replacement Project and the numerous power outages experienced over the past few months. CRIC requested BC Hydro try and provide a project update with project time lines.
  • A Project Update note was mailed out by BC Hydro, if you did not receive a copy please see the attached notice.
  • In January and February 2020 we meet with various City of Vernon Councilors to discuss Commonage and Bailey Road improvements and the 1100+ signature of support we collected from Predator Ridge Homeowner’s
  • In February we met with our Area B representative Bob Fleming from RDNO to discuss support and advice on applying to MoTI for funds under their Active Transportation Program.

Questions or concerns? Please visit: or email us at

We would also like to remind you, that at any time if you think the road is not being properly maintained please call Acciona Infrastructure Maintenance (ACCIONA) at: 1-866-222-4204

Thank you,
The Commonage Road Improvement Committee (CRIC)

Jane Toppozini, Gord Ball, Morgan Grant, Sandy Thompson

Be sure to check out the latest news on Commonage Road Developments. Click here to read all the very latest news and reports concerning our road network from the Commonage Road Improvement Committee. Updated December 2020.

FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program

Citizen involvement is the cornerstone of the FireSmart Canada Neighbourhood Recognition Program.

At Predator Ridge, we live in a region susceptible to wildfires. You can learn how to decrease the risk of losing your homes, and how to best protect yourselves in the event of a wildfire.

FireSmart homes and neighbourhoods allow firefighters to concentrate on fighting the wildfire, which ultimately saves more homes and lives.

Neighbourhoods in which residents take steps to reduce their vulnerability have a greater chance of surviving a wildfire without the intervention of the fire department.

Our community has been on the forefront of of earning recognition as a FireSmart Neighbourhood and 2020 has been no exception. On October 17th, neighbours turned out in full force to clean-up a portion of the Birdie Lake Trail.

The FireSmart Community Recognition Program is transitioning to the FireSmart “Neighbourhood” Recognition Program. They have a great FireSmart e-Learning course on the website called FireSmart 101. It’s a terrific and informative course that doesn’t take too long (approx.-30 min). Click on the graphic below to take this online course. Very Worthwhile!

Mayo Clinic Podcast – Vaccine Experts Advice on COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Folks, Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee (PRCEMC) would like to share a very informative podcast link from Dr. Gregory Poland, head of Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group, discusses who is at risk, how to stay protected from the virus, and, if there will be a coronavirus vaccine in the future. It’s definitely worth a listen!