

More so than ever before Canadians are feeling the direct and indirect impacts of wildfire. There is a growing interest and need for FireSmart across the nation. We have put together a short course for those who are just getting started with FireSmart in their community and want to learn more.

Residents Keep Busy & FireSmart

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that a lot of Falcon Point/Chicopee residents have been working hard in their own yards and by the hockey cabin with FireSmart Activities as we all try to fill in time every day until we can once again be together with family members and friends.

I am sending you a few pictures, if you have not had a chance to walk by the cottages and around the hockey cabin, to see how nice and clean it is there.

This phased project was driven by Gerry Fester (Chicopee resident and Strata President) and Jim was the FS Rep assisting to make sure it was done to FS Standards and with Breanne’s approval prior to each phase of the project.

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The total hours spent in 2020 on this project was 85 hours.  Gerry also used his own truck to haul the debris to the landfill with one or two loads after each clean-up during that one-month period. This project was started in December 2019 with about 10 volunteer hours.

2 homeowners from the same household on Chicopee Road cleaned up pinecones and raked the common property beside their home and spent approx. 15 hours on this project.

Jim and Laverne have also spent about 24 hours cleaning their properties.

Gord and Shelley on Vardon Lane also recently cleaned for about 27 hours on their two properties and paid for the bin rental to haul away the debris.

Jim has also seen another 3 families in his neighbourhood cleaning up their yards, so it certainly is a snowball effect.

If you or your neighbours are cleaning your own properties, please send me a picture, date of clean-up, names, address, phone number and hours spent so we can include them all with our application for 2020.

As we are not yet sure what the rest of 2020 will look like and when we can safely proceed with our Community FireSmart Event (area by Birdie Lake that Jim has scoped out for us) and spend the $500.00 FireSmart Canada Grant that Heather has secured for us this year, we can only encourage residents at this time to clean their own yards and include the hours spent by everyone in our 2020 application.

Stay safe everyone and hopefully we will be able to meet soon.

Kathy Pedersen

Download the full Report Here

Community Mailbox Security

Hello Everyone,

Recently in an article in the Morning Star and online on the Next Door app there has been conversation on mail theft as a result of break ins into mail boxes. 

Doug Lang a resident of Predator did some follow up work on this subject and posted the following on the Next Door app:

The police and Canada Post report that are no instances of mailbox thefts at Predator Ridge. However there have been some thefts from boxes in Vernon and the rural areas (RDNO). Canada Post has a budget/plan in place to replace outdated mailboxes with new and improved secure boxes. This plan will roll out initially to those communities that have experience theft of mail. Predator does not fall (lucky us) into this category and will have replacements well into the future I am told. Canada Post does recommend removal of mail as a specific deterrent to theft – if there is nothing to steal the thief will look elsewhere.

I have also checked with the respective agencies and support what he said. Accordingly we felt it would useful to send this information to all Block Watch co-captains and leave it to them to share with their area residents. As noted, there has been no mail theft at Predator but the note explains the approach Canada Post is taking in cases where a theft has occurred.

In any event, just like locking our vehicles, timely mail pick up (daily) of your mail will discourage theft. If however you observe or experience any theft please inform the RCMP and Canada Post. Incident records are important.

We hope all are well and safe.

Jim Popowich on behalf of Block Watch

Walking your Dog… on leash

A reminder to residents that your best four legged friend must be on leash when you head out for some exercise or to walk the pooch. Particularly during these times when social distancing is of the utmost importance. Also, if for no other reason to protect your neighbours and their pets from getting into an unwanted altercation.

I ran across this letter in the Bark and thought it says it all. Please read on…

An Open Letter to People Who Walk Their Dog Without a Leash

By Keith Higgons, May 2018

Dear neighbours who walk their dog unleashed,
Hi! I’m the guy with the tan pit bull mix named Rufus. I want to take a moment and ask you to walk your dog with a leash.

No, I get it. Your dog is amazing and well-trained. You’ve been through extensive training and your dog knows a slew of verbal commands. Your dog is a service animal and visits children’s cancer wards and retirement communities and is the best-behaved dog you’ve ever had. I get that.

The truth is, I don’t care about your dog. When I’m walking Rufus leashed and you’re walking your dog unleashed, my concern is for my dog, not yours.

While I understand you’re 100% convinced that your dog won’t do anything spontaneous, I get it. Neighbor, the truth is that your dog is an animal and any claim that you’re 100% certain your dog won’t do anything is incorrect. They MAY not, but you can’t be certain. It’s simple; dogs are animals and react instinctively.

Yes, I’m personally invested because Rufus wasn’t socialized prior to arriving with me. So, he’s not good with other dogs, he loves people, tolerates children but doesn’t like other dogs … and squirrels, he hates squirrels. You’ve probably noticed we cross the street when we notice another dog.

While I’ve trained Rufus to ignore other dogs, if your dog starts barking, he’ll respond. If you’re dog isn’t leashed and decides to act instinctively (again, they’re dogs) and runs towards us, Rufus will react. My fear is that would be bad.

Despite my efforts to avoid your unleashed dog and the fact that your dog ran towards my dog and he defends himself, rest assured, we would be considered at fault.

You’re putting MY dog in jeopardy because YOUR dog is unleashed. That’s uncool. (read this story if you doubt the reality of this.)

Yes, I’m hyper aware of the many stigmas around the pit bull. I find breed specific bias, and legislation, deplorable and don’t think they can, or should, be universally applied. But yea, I’m aware. It’s why I’ve trained Rufus to be a responsible canine citizen and I’m a responsible canine owner and use a leash. I’m unwilling to put my dog, or yours, in a position where he may feel threatened and call upon his instincts.

To be fair, I was once like you. I used to have a dog that I walked without a leash. When confronted, I defended my dog like you do, saying “He won’t do anything” “He’s friendly” and my personal favorite “Relax” (when has anything good ever come from someone saying “Relax” in a heated situation?). When I think back now, I’m ashamed of my behavior. I was wrong.

Please take this letter under consideration. The advantages to keeping your dog on a leash far outweigh the potential consequences of not. It’s also considerate of your neighbors. If you’re still unconvinced, it’s safe to presume your community has some type of leash law.

Thanks for reading.

See you on the sidewalk,
Keith & Rufus

A Community Awareness Message from your PRCEMC

Dear Neighbour,
Although Mother Nature has taken her time bringing spring, the forecast indicates that warm weather is right around the corner.

These have been very unsettling times, but please recognize that what our health officials have been asking us to do is helping to slow down the spread of COVID-19. Officials are also reminding us that COVID-19 has not yet peaked in our British Columbia or Canada. However if we stay the course, keep our distance, and stay close to home, there is hope that we will flatten the curve sooner rather than later. PHYSICAL DISTANCING is incredibly important; we need to be vigilant about our personal safety (and that of others) and do our part to slow down the spread of this virus.

Predator Ridge has made the cart paths available for getting some fresh air, as long as we follow the guidelines from health officials (e.g., staying home for 14 days after out-of-country travel, maintaining 6 feet of physical distance and not gathering in groups). We also note that guidelines continue to evolve, so it’s important for us to pay attention to those changes, such as recent health recommendations for increased use of masks.

For those who are in quarantine, we understand how difficult this time is, especially with the warm weather coming. If you need help, please reach out to your friends and neighbours. For those of you who have completed your quarantine, we thank you for your vigilance.

Our Mental Wellbeing
These times are difficult for everyone and some of us will struggle more than others with the uncertainty and isolation. The anxiety over stress, mental distress and depression, have no borders, and can hit any one. Predator Ridge has taken amazing measures to help support this by offering free access for 90 days to Akira By TELUS Health. Akira has many benefits including unlimited, unrestricted 24/7 mental health support. Tomorrow (April 8th) is the last day to register for this 90-day free service so register right away if this is of interest to you.

Vernon Connect
Earlier this year, the City of Vernon launched an app to allow residents to stay connected with the City of Vernon’s Emergency Alerts and Messaging. The “VernonConnect” app allows you to select important messaging from the City of Vernon direct to your phone. You can download this app for free via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Trails & Cart (Walking) Paths
Due to snow and muddy conditions, Predator Ridge has closed the dirt trails until further notice. This is to prevent ruts on the trails, so residents are asked to stick to the paved cart paths.  Please respect and follow all signage that is and will be placed at trailheads.

Golf Course
We understand that we all want to get out on the golf course and we are all eagerly awaiting a message from Predator Ridge that will give us an opening date. Unfortunately an exact date is not possible at this time, but what we can assure you Predator Ridge is as anxious as you are to open, but will not do so until it is SAFE to do so.

FireSmart Your Yards
While we are all self-distancing it may be a good time to get outside and look around your home to see what you can do now to FireSmart your own property. Click on the below link for FireSmart spring clean up 2020 tips and how to contact the FireSmart committee with any questions. The committee is here to help and is always happy to answer any questions you may have.

Support for Predator Ridge Staff
Predator Ridge has 98 of its staff still employed, with many of these employees taking on alternate jobs from what they normally do (e.g. cleaning streets, golf course and landscaping maintenance, etc.). Also included in those numbers are the staff working at Commonage Market and Pallino’s and they need our help! Numbers at Pallino’s and Commonage Market have dropped off in the past weeks, making it difficult to justify opening. If everyone one of us here in the community ate one meal a week from Pallino’s or the Market it will definitely help keep the doors open and the staff employed.

Music On Our Patios
Some fun stats regarding last Saturday’s inaugural Music on Your Patio event:
• The event registered 3,200 views
• 366 people engaged in the content (this includes likes, shares, & comments),
• 32 people shared it including the BC Country Music Association!
The next Music on Your Patio event will be happening this Saturday at 7:30pm with Gorden James. Full details at:

Looking Ahead
We all look forward to when we can gather with our neighbours again, get out on the golf course, and participate in all of the other great in-person classes and events we have in our community. Remember, we’re all in this together, and until that day arrives, we will continue to follow health guidelines, participate and support each other virtually or at a distance.

Keep The Faith • Be Strong • Physically Distance • Keep Us All Safe


Your Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee (PRCEMC)

Jim Popowich; Colleen Scott; Kathy Pedersen; Gord Wilson;
Luiz Araujo; Jane Toppozini


Community Safety at Predator Ridge


We should all pay attention to the first 10 meters around our homes and in particular:

  • Raking and removing pine needles and dry leaves within a minimum of 1.5 metres of a home’s foundation. As time permits, continue up to a 10-metre distance around the home.
  • Dispose of collected debris in appropriate trash receptacles or you can deliver the debris for free to the Vernon landfill.

Making sure roof and gutters are clean.

Sweeping porches and decks to clear them of leaves and pine needles. Raking under decks, porches, sheds and play structures.

Removing items stored under decks and porches and relocating them to a storage shed, garage, or basement.

Gasoline cans and portable propane tanks should never be stored indoors and should be located away from the home.

The FireSmart Committee is here to assist you and if you have any questions for us, please contact us.

If you are not familiar with FireSmart, please watch this video for more information

Staying Connected

As the weeks pass and we all continue to take steps to ensure the safety and well being of our community, we need to remind ourselves the importance of staying connected.  Taking time to connect with each other even if by virtual means is vital and healthy for the soul as well as our community. 

This week, I couldn’t help but notice a dynamic shift in language take place. The term “social distancing” has been replaced by “physical distancing”.
You see, being physically isolated is so very different than social isolation.  

Living in Predator Ridge with one another even if by virtual methods, means You Are Never Alone…. We are Community!

Stay connected with your family, friends and neighbours by whatever means are available to you. Just because we are all physically separated doesn’t mean we still can’t socialize!

We need each other now more than ever




As a result of WESBILD’S strategic partnership with TELUS, sign up is now open to register for Akira, their newest Predator Ridge Homeowner benefit!

Akira by TELUS Health is a national on-demand virtual care solution. It gives members and their family direct access to secure medical consultants with friendly, knowledgeable clinicians 24/7 and across the country.

Although Akira is typically only available on a corporate level for employers to offer their employees, TELUS has exclusively extended a special offer to Predator Ridge Homeowners to try it free for 90 days!

After your 90 days, Akira is only $7/month. There is no commitment required. You can cancel anytime with 30-days notice.


We were so impressed by Akira, that we are now offering it as an employment benefit to all Predator Ridge employees. We encourage you to take some time to explore this powerful platform. We think you’ll be impressed as we are!

More information on Akira can be found in the video below or you can visit:




* plus applicable taxes. Monthly cost will be billed through Predator Ridge directly to your Homeowner account. Must be an active and current Predator Ridge resident. By signing up for 90-day free trial, you consent to sharing contact information provided in the Predator Ridge sign up form to TELUS for the purpose of registration. Signup requires a 30-day cancellation notice in writing to Predator Ridge before billing will be ceased. This program is administered through TELUS Health will require an app to be downloaded from the Apple or Google app store. Technical support is available through Akira directly.


Keep Learning – Open School BC

The Open School BC site has suggestions for parents and caregivers to keep their children learning at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learning from Home

These are exceptional times and while it’s important for children to keep learning, there is no expectation that the pace and rigour of a normal school day be duplicated at home. Teachers will continue to provide instruction and parent/caregiver involvement will depend on the age and ability of the child and the time that parents/caregivers are able to give. Every family will determine what works best for them in discussion with their children’s teachers. Make use of what you have available and don’t worry that your child is missing out if you don’t have the latest technology. Simple everyday items and activities offer great learning opportunities.