
Welcome to the Predator Ridge Community Safety Committee (PRCS) website! The PRCS has been formally established by the residents of Predator Ridge, working with both Predator Ridge Resort and Sparkling Hill Wellness Centre (in accordance with the City of Vernon’s Emergency Management Program) to raise community awareness, educate, and initiate emergency management activities, primarily relating to prevention/mitigation and preparedness.

On this site, you’ll find lots of great information about the PRCS, Block Watch, FireSmart, Emergency Preparedness and Community Safety Projects, as well as other very useful resources.

How Can Predator Ridge Residents Get Involved?

You have already started the process by visiting this website. Awareness is one of our primary objectives, and in reality, emergency preparedness starts with individuals and caregivers. Volunteers help in many ways:

  • By participating on or leading a FireSmart team to help reduce our vulnerability to wildfires.
  • By helping to maintain the Block Watch program for your neighbourhood.
  • By sitting on either the PRCS committee or one of the Working Groups.

Please continue to familiarize yourself with this website, and feel free to contact the committee via the Contact Us page if you have questions or would like to get more directly involved.