Monthly ZOOM meeting of the Vernon Emergency Planning Subcommittee
Tag: Preparedness
VEPS Monthly Meeting
Monthly ZOOM meeting of the Vernon Emergency Planning Subcommittee
VEPS Monthly Meeting
Monthly ZOOM meeting of the Vernon Emergency Planning Subcommittee
VEPS Monthly Meeting
Monthly ZOOM meeting of the Vernon Emergency Planning Subcommittee
VEPS Monthly Meeting
Monthly ZOOM meeting of the Vernon Emergency Planning Subcommittee
VEPS Monthly Meeting
Monthly ZOOM meeting of the Vernon Emergency Planning Subcommittee
Block Watch Mtg – City Protective Services
The Block Watch Committee will be meeting with City of Vernon Protective Services on Tuesday, June 14th at 3:00 pm to discuss the role of the committee moving forward.
Siren Presentation – Vernon City Council
The PRCEMC will be making a presentation to Vernon City Council on Monday, June 13th at 1:30 pm.
The presentation will request incorporation of the Predator Ridge Emergency Alert Siren into the Emergency Evacuation Plan.
FireSmart Community Event
Dear Neighbours,
Are you looking to learn more about FireSmart and what you can do to protect your home?
Join us at our upcoming clean-up event and learn what you can do to FireSmart your property. You can also visit the PRCEMC website at: for more information and FireSmart resources.
The FireSmart Committee is excited to announce that a section of the Longspoon area will be hosting the next FireSmart clean-up event. The area to be cleaned up is a section of the common property that borders the Osprey Coach & Carriage duplex homes on Longspoon Drive.

The committee is currently looking for volunteers to help with the clean-up and welcome all helping hands. Our collective efforts will help make our community a safer place. Water and snacks will be provided as well as safety glasses, hi-vis vests, and gloves if you require them. Volunteers should be prepared for sloping and uneven ground and appropriate footwear should be worn. We will only focus on the PINK area at this event.
A safety orientation will be held at the Fire Station at 8:30 am prior to the cleanup event getting underway. We hope to see you there for a fun morning of FireSmart.
DATE: Saturday, JUNE 11, 2022
TIME: 8:30am – 12:00pm
LOCATION: Meet in front of the Fire Station on Predator Ridge Drive at 8:30 am.

Please sign up by clicking the REGISTER NOW button below or visit:
If you have any questions please contact us.
Thank you in advance for donating your time and helping to make our community a better and safer place to live.
Your Predator Ridge Community Emergency Management Committee (PRCEMC) FireSmart Team.
Birdie Lake Court Gets FireSmart
We did it – cut, raked, collected, filled the large bin, built muscles and friendship.
Eva & Larry Poxon
With help and mentorship of Predator Ridge Landscape Manager, Breanne Tripp, neighbours Toby Frisk, Deb Hobbs, Bob Wade, Neil Bowler, Eva Poxon and Larry Poxon went to work to make their properties more FireSmart.
It is amazing how much work can be achieved with a great team of motivated adults! 4-days of pleasure went by sooo quickly.

Working over a period of 4-days from Thursday to Sunday, the neighbours invested a total of 50 hours on lots 7 thru 12 to make their properties & community more resistant to wildfire.
A big shoutout to Breanne Tripp for all her guidance and help in providing a very large bin that was completely filled. Breanne is also a member of the PRCEMC FireSmart Committee.
Congratulations you guys on a JOB Well Done!